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Celebrate Earth Month with a Cup of Sustainability: The Eco-Friendly Choice of Tea

Celebrate Earth Month with a Cup of Sustainability: The Eco-Friendly Choice of Tea

Spring is a time of both rebirth, but also a celebration of the natural world. As you may know April is Earth Month, a time for both reflection and action to create a more sustainable world. It’s also a good time to reflect on our daily habits and how they impact our planet.

And you might be surprised to learn that one simple, yet profound way we can contribute to sustainability is by drinking tea.

Tea, the second most consumed beverage in the world after water, offers more than just a soothing experience. Drinking tea aligns with the principles of sustainability, making it an ideal choice for Earth Month and beyond. From its lower carbon footprint compared to other beverages, to sustainable farming practices and eco-friendly packaging, drinking tea can be a small step towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

So, this Earth Month, let’s raise our teacups to the planet. Let’s take a moment to explore how drinking tea daily can contribute to a healthier Earth.

Lower Your Carbon Footprint with Tea

When it comes to carbon footprint, not all beverages are created equal. Tea, in particular, stands out as a more environmentally friendly choice.

That said, there are many factors that go into determining the carbon footprint of drinking tea, such as how much water you boil, if you brew tea bags vs. looseleaf tea, if you use milk or sugar, or if you get tea in a paper cup from a café, etc. When compared to coffee, for example, tea has a significantly lower carbon footprint, emitting 0.064 kg CO2e per liter to produce and transport, whereas coffee emits 0.25 kg CO2e per liter. Coffee is also consumed in a larger variety of methods, each with their own impact. Instant coffee that’s made into a powder, for example, emits 0.16 kg CO2e per liter brewed. And these stats don’t even touch on issues such as land and water use, which also carry an environmental impact.


Of course, the way we consume tea also contributes to its lower carbon footprint. Unlike drinks that require refrigeration or are typically consumed cold, tea can be enjoyed hot or at room temperature, reducing the need for energy-intensive cooling. Additionally, tea is often packaged in lightweight materials and is compact, which means it requires less fuel to transport compared to heavier, bulkier beverages such as sodas. By choosing brewed tea, we are not only indulging in a comforting, versatile drink but also making a choice that is kinder to our planet.


Sustainably Farmed Tea

Here at Cured Leaves Tea, it’s important to us to only purchase tea from farms practicing sustainable agriculture. We believe it’s important not only to ensure a high-quality product, but also the long-term health of the land.

One such practice is the use of organic fertilizers and natural pest management techniques, which help to maintain soil health and biodiversity, reduce pollution, and avoid the use of harmful chemicals.

Another key aspect of sustainable tea farming is water management. Tea plants require a lot of water, and improper water management can lead to soil erosion and water pollution. Several of the farms from where we source teas are working towards becoming more energy-efficient and reducing their carbon footprint by using renewable energy sources or by reducing the energy used in tea processing. These practices contribute to the sustainability of the tea industry and help to protect our planet.


As you can see, drinking tea is more than just a pleasurable experience; it can help us reduce our own carbon footprint by consuming teas that are sustainably sourced. We’re happy to say that fits our entire line of tea collections!

Let’s take a minute to brew up something special and raise our steaming (or iced) cups of tea to the one and only planet Earth!

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