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Summer Tea Party: Iced Tea Bliss with Malawi Gold and Zomba Pearls!

Summer Tea Party: Iced Tea Bliss with Malawi Gold and Zomba Pearls!

Summer is the perfect time to sit and relax with a refreshing glass of iced tea. Discover the best ways to brew iced tea using two of our amazing teas -Malawi Gold tea and Zomba Pearls - to refresh and relax this summer.

Best Ways to Brew Iced Tea

Start with hot tea: Brew a slightly stronger hot cup of your favorite tea using near boiling water. Let that steep, strain, then cool or pour over ice cubes to enjoy.

Sun Tea is the old-fashioned favoritePlace your tea in a clear glass jar and fill with water. Put the jar somewhere sunny to slowly steep as the sun heats the water. When it has reached desired strength, strain and enjoy over ice. Keep unused tea in the refrigerator to enjoy tomorrow.

Cold Brew TeaPlace your tea in a jar with cold water. Put the jar in the refrigerator overnight (6 to 12 hours is great), strain and enjoy over ice or cold from the fridge.

Experiment to find the way you like it best.

Malawi Gold Makes a Refreshing Iced Tea

One of our favorite iced teas to make is Malawi Gold tea. Malawi Gold has the bold flavors of black tea, brisk and malty come together in perfect harmony, creating a symphony of a refreshing and delightful summer drink. Savor each sip and allow yourself to relax in the fragrant embrace of this delicious tea.

Zomba Pearl Exotic White Iced Tea

Zomba Pearls are beautiful in sun tea making.  With their uniquely tightly wound white tea pearls they slowly unwind in the sun. This delicate white rainforest tea is wonderful summer iced tea that soothes to the senses with its natural floral character.  Experience a sense of grounding from the soft vegetal notes and surprising hint of sweetness of zomba pearls. Relax and let the flavors of the rainforest delight your senses.

For these and other refreshing tea blends for your summertime tea visit

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